One after one, three labourers died in a poisonous ring well in Dhanpur

In a heartrending incident, one after one, altogether three labourers died in a ring well, when they entered into the deep of the well of the of Neoramura JB School under the Dhanpur Assembly constituency of Sepahijala district on Saturday to clear the well.
Sources said that the abandoned ring well at the premises of Neoramura JB School and after school authorities decided to clean the well, they hired three labourers identified as Sukramani Murasingh (37), Sambhu Kumar Debbarma (30) and Ashok Kumar Tripura(21).
On Saturday afternoon, when Sukramani Murasingh entered into the deep of the well to clean the garbage and surrounding weeds, after passing of considerable time, when Sukramani was not responding from deep, another labourer Sambhu Debbarma again went to the deep to rescue Sukramani.
But, after a few minutes, when both of them were not returning to the top of the well, then Ashok Kumar Tripura also went to the deep of the well, but unfortunately, he was also not returned from deep of the well.
Later, some local people and teachers of the school noticed the incident and they immediately informed the matter firefighters and police. Firefighters rushed to the spot and with help of equipments , somehow they managed to rescue all three labourers from the depths of the well in an unconscious mood. They were also shifted to a local hospital, where a visiting doctor declared them brought dead.
While, fire service sources said that all three labourers one after one died inside the well due to poisonous gases formed in the well.
Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha through a Facebook post expressed his deep sorrow over the tragic incident and his condolences to bereaved families.
After the report of the heartrending incident, supremo of Tipra-Motha, Pradyot Kishore Debbarma requested immediate relief to bereaved families and compensation to Rs. 50,000 to each families from Autonomous District Council (ADC) administration.
Pradyot in his social media post said that “Disheartened and shocked to hear the sad news coming from South Twiwandal VC where three people, Sukrumani Murasing (37), Sambhu Debbarma (30), and Ashok Tripura (21), who went to clean the well located in the premises of Neoramura JB School under the Mirza Kathalia Constituency, have died because of the toxic gases. From the TTAADC’s end, I am requesting the administration to provide an immediate compensation of ₹50,000 each to the families of all the departed souls. I also request the state government to provide the families with due compensation from their end too.”