Bhutan: 157 students participate in national competition on CodeMonkey

Thimpu: Bhutan's Education and Skills Development Ministry recently conducted an online national coding competition to understand the level of coding concepts in students who have taken various CodeMonkey courses in schools.
The participants were given the freedom to incorporate a theme of their choice while coming up with their games, reports The Bhutan Live.
The participants were given the choice to design, colour and code the games depending on their creativity.
The competition is for the second category of students which includes class seven and eight students.
The competition for the first category which has students from class five and six was held in December, last year, the news portal reported.
In the current competition, 157 students from different schools across the country had participated.
They have previously learnt coding on the CodeMonkey platform in school as a part of their Information and Communications Technology (ICT) classes, The Bhutan Live reported.
Sonam Wangchen Norbu, another participant from Changzamtog Middle Secondary School said that CodeMonkey has helped him gain a lot of experience on coding.
"Even my creativity has enhanced and as a person who plays games, it has also helped me a lot. I would like to thank His Majesty the King for giving me this opportunity," Norbu told The Bhutan Live.