Brazil: President Lula sacks army commander in wake of Brasilia riots

Brasilia: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, after meeting with military commanders on the recent unrest in the capital, sacked the head of Brazil’s army Gen. Julio Cesar de Arruda, who had been in office for just over two weeks, media report.
Arruda, fired on Saturday, will be replaced by Gen. Tomas Miguel Ribeiro Paiva, the military commander for the Southeast, the Globo newspaper reported on Saturday, citing sources.
On Friday, Lula held a meeting at Palacio do Planalto, one of the official palaces of the Presidency, with Arruda and the commanders of Brazil’s Navy and Air Force, as well as Defense Minister Jose Mucio Monteiro, expressing discontent with those responsible for the security of government buildings.
Arruda took over command of Brazil’s army at the end of December, as part of agreements with outgoing President Jair Bolsonaro, and was confirmed in this post on January 6.
On January 8, Bolsonaro’s supporters stormed the National Congress building, as well as Palacio do Planalto and the Supreme Court building in Brasilia.
Police managed to regain control of the vandalized buildings on the same day.
According to Brazil's federal police, about 2,000 participants in the anti-government protests have been detained.
By Lula’s decree, more than 50 people from among the Planalto guards have been removed from their posts.