Pakistan: More than 22,000 bureaucrats hold dual nationality

A Pakistani National Assembly was recently informed that more than 22,000 bureaucrats in Pakistan held dual nationality, an alarming revelation that puts the country's national security in question.
As the NA's standing committee on Interior met in Islamabad with Raja Khurram Nawaz in the chair, members sounded alarm over the practice and called for stringent measures to restrict the practice, especially for bureaucrats, judges and members of the parliamentarians, reported The Express Tribune.
The meeting was deliberating on the proposed legislation that would grant Pakistani passports to citizens of countries with which Pakistan has dual nationality agreements, the Pakistani newspaper reported.
Meanwhile, PPP's Agha Rafiullah demanded statistics on Pakistani nationals who are holding dual nationality.
The committee member also raised concerns about the relaxation of dual nationality rules, citing the example of the chairman of NAB, whose degree verification involved the confirmation of 45,000 student records from a university, The Express Tribune reported.
He asked how the country's rules were relaxed for one individual to be granted dual nationality.