Home voting for elderly, PwDs in West Tripura PC, Ramnagar AC completes

The Home voting for the people above 85 years and Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), which started on April 10 across West Tripura Parliamentary Constituency and 7-Ramnagar assembly seat has ended on Friday and over 85% of registered voters have casted their votes.
Giving details of the Home Voting, the Returning Officer (RO) of West Tripura parliamentary constituency, Dr Vishal Kumar, who was on Friday morning visited 6-Agartala assembly constituency to review the voting process said that among the 14, 63, 526 eligible voters in West Tripura PC, 4,581 PWDs and elderly individuals have registered for home voting facilities and among them till afternoon, about 85% of registered voters have casted their votes. But, the final figure across the constituency is yet to be received by the RO office and hoped by night, the final figure will reach at night.
Ramnagar assembly seat falls under Tripura West Lok Sabha seat and Agarwal a total of 201 voters are registered for home voting from Ramnagar AC and six teams of poll personnel have covered the voting of all voters on April 10 and 12.
Similarly, a total 200 team of poll personnel will complete the home voting in the entire West Tripura PC on April 10 and 12.
Dr Kumar added that home voting in East Tripura Parliamentary Constituency will be held on April 17 and 18 for 4,720 elderly voters and PwDs registered their names.
He added that home voting will be completed in two days, and poll personnel will visit every registered house of both parliamentary constituencies.
While giving details of the poll preparations, the RO all preparation is completed and going on as per schedules for smooth voting on April 19 and also expressed his satisfaction over participation of all political parties in campaigning.