INROAD project completes 1.25 lakh hectare of Natural Rubber plantation in NE

Natural Rubber (NR) plantation in the North East under the project INROAD (Indian Natural Rubber Operations for Assisted Development) for FY2024-25 stands completed. In the first four years of the project an area of 125272 hectares (ha) has been covered under new NR plantations across 94 districts in North East and parts of West Bengal. This represents one of the highest NR plantations ever achieved in the country in a span of four years. INROAD is a landmark initiative and the first of its kind in the world where the tyre industry is contributing directly towards development of rubber plantation. The project entails development of 200,000 ha of rubber plantation in the North Eastern states and West Bengal financially supported by 4 members of Automotive Tyre Manufacturers Association (ATMA) including Apollo, Ceat, JK and MRF. The project is being implemented by the Rubber Board of India.
“Notwithstanding challenges, nearly 90% of the plantation target for the first four years under project INROAD has been achieved. Beyond expanding planting areas, the project has seen significant progress in strengthening local nurseries, and building grower capacities—a testament to the collaborative efforts among tyre companies and the Rubber Board of India”, said Rajiv Budhraja, Director General, ATMA on the completion of 4 years of INROAD.
During the last four years of the project, a record 5.3 crore planting material has been distributed. The project has reached out to resource deprived populations in the designated states since farmers with land holding of less than one acre are being engaged in the project. Once completed, the project is poised to lift the economic and social status of 2.5 lakh beneficiaries of the project.
The share of North East in India’s area under NR plantation before the launch of the INROAD project was 23%. Once the objective of developing plantations in additional 2 lakh ha under the INROAD project is achieved, it is estimated that the share of NE states will increase to 38%. Similarly the share of North East in India’s NR production will go up from 16% currently to 32%. “As the plantation reaches a critical stage, the next component of the project is development of infrastructure such as creation of model smoke houses and dissemination of new practices amongst rubber growers”, added Budhraja.