One tiles labourer electrocuted, another suffered critical injuries

One tiles labourer killed on the spot and another sustained critical injuries by electrocution during fitting of tiles at a house in Rajghat area of Melaghar under Sepahijala district on Tuesday.
Police sources said that four tile labourers from Khas Chowmohani area of Melaghar were engaged in tile fitting works at the house of one Raju Barman at Rajghat area. Suddenly, one of the labourers identified as AbuTaher Miah struck with an electric cable and hearing hue and cry, another labourer, Ripan Debnath rushed to the spot to project Abu Taher, but accidentally Ripan electrocuted and died on the spot.
Later, injured Abu Taher was admitted to Melaghar hospital, who is now in stable condition.